Internet Marketing

2001-5000 Contact List Management

Groom Opt-in Lists for Internet Marketing programs. Collect and maintain. Provide Access to client on secure server.

Domain Search

Research on 3 names based on the business needs. SEO friendly based on search information on how many people search on the word or phrase.

E-Mail Newsletters Setup

Select Template and populate with content. Write and edit. Prepare images.

E-Newsletter Banner Design

Create banner for electronic newsletter.

SEO Key Word and Phrases Research

Reading of material to select a minimum of 12 keywords at $10 each to optimize the website on. Google keyword tools will be used to develop a report on them to show how many people searched on these terms. Client will approve the selection before writing begins.

SEO Training

Live training on how to use google analytics, trends and manuals to optimize a site on a regular basis.

E-mail Newsletters

Design Template with content